Monday, November 17, 2008

Tested tough Home Business

Originally uploaded by royannquigley

New Format and URL

Just a Heads Up:
We will be moving to our new server in the next day or so.
Will keep you posted.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

What Does "IT" Cost?

I was recently reading an article about the Best Home Based Business Opportiunies  
And the subject of costs was mentioned. 

By working out of your home, you don't have the overhead of a leased office. This is saved money. 
And depending on your product or service niche there is no need for inventory. 

If you are taking advantage of Affiliate income through your 'proverbial product', then you are not spending the money on development because it has been done for you. 
On that note, do your research and make sure the company you are promoting is trustworthy and established. This can really add to you bottom line because they have a following that you can take advantage of.

"Starting a home based business can be rewarding experience for many but it does have it share of frustrations and disappointments. With advantages like flexible work hours, satisfaction of being your own boss, no commuting, tax benefits, it also has disadvantages like increased risk, loneliness, and added responsibilities. Start learning the skills that are essential to successful home base business opportunities."
On my main site,, I have many companies that we have determined are worthy of my energy. 
It does take work, and time, and if you are just starting it can be frustrating. I have a course that leads you by the hand on the way that has been proven.
I am very sure this just the tip of the iceberg. I welcome your comments and input that everyone can use.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Five Time-Tested Ways to Earn Money Online

In order to earn money online you  need to learn what opportunities are available to you. You also need to learn how to diversify to maximize your profits.


To help you get started in the online e-commerce world, this article will present to you five time-tested ways to earn money online. Please take a look at the list of opportunities listed below.


1. Sell items on Ebay (or other online auction site): One tried and true method of making money on the Internet is to earn money online while you sell on eBay. This online marketplace is home to millions of vendors who offer useful quality products and services, usually for less than the cost of purchase at stores. This particular money-making venue is so successful right now that eBay has become a household name. Similar sites to eBay include or (either auctions and/or “buy it now” formats).


2. Provide a freelance service: This is also another very honest money-making venture. In fact, it may be one of the most popular ways to earn money online today. The reason why is because the start-up cost of providing quality articles, graphics, website pages, IT services, or other expertise from home is quite low.


Moreover, the cost of transportation and operating expenses for this type of business is generally quite low in most cases as well. Furthermore, clients love to hire freelancers because they can call upon these type of workers when they need them, and not be obligated to hire them year round or to pay them benefits.


3. Start an online store: What better way to satisfy your desire to achieve the lifestyle of your dreams. You can start a store that reaches people all over the world if you want to. Sooner or later you can earn enough money by way of this stream of income and you do not even need to have your own warehouse full of products or services in some cases. You can earn money this way even while you sleep If you set up an automated billing service.


4. Launch affiliate marketing campaigns: Simply put, an affiliate marketer is one who provides site visitors with useful information. They also may present free e-books, useful computer software, or other freebees in order to entice site visitors to become regular members of an online community.


A secondary goal of this type of marketer is for site visitors to click on sponsored ads. In return, webmasters of affiliate marketing sites usually receive a commission or bonus for generating leads or sales.


5. Answer people's questions: People w ho are involved in answering people's questions about a subject they are experts about can make money in more ways than one. They can provide premium consultation services via e-mail, chat, phone, or video and payment is usually per hour or half hour, or per response. Or, they can provide expert answers for free and sponsor advertisers. In this case, most of the revenue earned by the site master would be in ad sales, ad clicks, leads, or sales.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008 Home Business Journal: Tough Times Never Last.... Home Business Journal: Tough Times Never Last....

Feeling Lucky?

"Luck? I don't know anything about luck. I've never banked on it

and I'm afraid of people who do. Luck to me is something else:

Hard work - and realizing what is opportunity and what isn't."


-Kimberly Flores


"Whether you think can or you can''re right"


Monday, November 10, 2008

Tough Times Never Last....

What are the three things that tough people do?

I read on the Simpleology blog about what surmises on this class of folks. In essence it was a brief review on the Robert Schuller famous book.

Schuller asserts that "tough people have learned to choose the most positive reaction in managing problems." He adds: "The choice is up to you. A problem can make you better or bitter. It all depends on you."

image signature

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Make Money with Multiple Steams like IttyBiz did

Follow the video.
It can be done.

How IttyBiz Makes Money from James Dunford on Vimeo.
image signature

Thursday, November 06, 2008


I just got done reading an article that almost made me want to cry it was that good. Sometimes I know of an idea but I cannot find the words to convey it right.

When we try to figure out how to do something as an affiliate, and it doesn't come out the way we want, we question: "Why this… Why that…"; when all the time it is wrapped up in our perspective and attitude.

I stumbled across this article by reading another that the author had linked to. Sometimes I click the links, most times not. Well, I have changed my mind on that too.

If you are struggling as an affiliate, I think you should take a look.

image signature

Drive Your Car, Get Paid

It's Easy.
Just put the sticker on your car and get paid.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

The Practice of Discipline

By Brian Tracy
Discipline yourself to do what you know you need to do to be
the very best in your field. Perhaps the best definition of
self-discipline is this: "Self-discipline is the ability to
make yourself do what you should do when you should do it,
whether you feel like it or not."

It is easy to do something when you feel like it. It's when
you don't feel like it and you force yourself to do it
anyway that you move your life and career onto the fast

What decisions do you need to make today in order to start
moving toward the top of your field? Whatever it is, either
to get in or get out, make a decision today and then get
started. This single act alone can change the whole
direction of your life.

Seven Steps to Success

There is a powerful seven step formula that you can use to set and
achieve your goals for the rest of your life. Every single successful person uses
this formula or some variation of this formula to achieve
vastly more than the average person. And so can you.
Here it is:


What You Want Step number one, decide exactly what
it is you want in each part of your life. Become a
"meaningful specific" rather than a "wandering

Write it Down

Second, write it down, clearly and in detail.
Always think on paper. A goal that is not in writing is not
a goal at all. It is merely a wish and it has no energy
behind it.

Set A Deadline

Third, set a deadline for your goal. A
deadline acts as a "forcing system" in your subconscious
mind. It motivates you to do the things necessary to make
your goal come true. If it is a big enough goal, set
sub-deadlines as well. Don't leave this to chance.

Make A List

Fourth, make a list of everything that you can
think of that you are going to have to do to achieve your
goal. When you think of new tasks and activities, write them
on your list until your list is complete.

Organize Your List

Fifth, organize your list into a plan.
Decide what you will have to do first and what you will have
to do second. Decide what is more important and what is less
important. And then write out your plan on paper, the same
way you would develop a blueprint to build your dream house.

Take Action

The sixth step is for you to take action on
your plan. Do something. Do anything. But get busy. Get

Do Something Every Day

Do something every single day that
moves you in the direction of your most important goal at
the moment. Develop the discipline of doing something 365
days each year that is moving you forward. You will be
absolutely astonished at how much you accomplish when you
utilize this formula in your life every single day.

Action Exercises

Here are two things you can do to put
these ideas into action immediately.

First, decide exactly what you want, write it down with a
deadline, make a plan and take action -- on at least one
goal -- today!

Second, determine the price you will have to pay to achieve
this goal and then get busy paying that price -- whatever
it is.

Want to know how to accomplish more in a month than most
people accomplish in a year? Brian Tracy's audio program,
The Miracle of Self-Discipline, will show you how! Training
yourself to complete important tasks -- even when you don't
want to -- is a vital skill that every Top Achiever should
master. To get your copy today, click here. -

Sunday, November 02, 2008

5 Things To Consider When Publishing A Newsletter

Copyright © Kimberly Flores, Rich Mom

Providing a newsletter for your opt-in list subscribers provides many benefits in terms of driving traffic into your site as well as boosting the sales and profits of your site and company. This is a marketing ploy that will not hugely dent your marketing budget and will not also require many man-hours in developing this project.

With a newsletter, you can inform the public about your company and products as well as services. You can keep them posted and updated about what's going-on with your company as well as many of your promotions and offerings. With these, you keep on reminding your subscribers that you are still here and are willing to offer them good deals and services.

Newsletters also allow you to impress your subscribers. It can show your expertise and knowledge about the topic at hand and the many benefits you can offer them. When you impress people, they will become potential customers and another great thing is that they can recommend you to their friends, colleagues and family. All of them could very well be customers in the future.

If you do not have a newsletter or are publishing one for your site, then you may have to consider about researching and be well informed on how to publish one. It is not as easy as it seems but if and when you get the right idea and process, it will be smooth sailing from there on. Try to take the time to learn what you need to learn and get that newsletter ready and good to attract subscribers to your newsletter as well as traffic to your site.

In the next few paragraphs, I will provide you with some things to reflect on when you decide to start your own newsletter for your site. Here are five things to consider when publishing a newsletter.

1) Make sure that the content of your newsletter pertains to and closely associated with your business or the theme of your site. Do not dwell too far on what could be regarded as your field of expertise. You have started a site and your theme for your site will always be something you are knowledgeable about. For example; if you have a site that sells auto car parts, your newsletter must contain articles or content like photos that pertain to cars, auto parts and such. You may also include content about your company and your staff.

Remember that visitors of a certain site are there because they are interested in what the site has to offer. If they sign up for an opt-in list or for a newsletter this means that they want to be updated for that certain theme or subject. Be sure that when you publish your newsletter you are providing for the need of the subscriber as well as their interests.

2) Ensure that you have well written, information riddled and content rich articles. You articles will be the body of your newsletter and that they should be able to excite your readers as well as provide information. Articles should be well written and checked for errors such as spelling and grammatical errors for it to look professional and believable. The trust of your client to you and newsletter is at stake here.

3) Fact-check your articles. Make sure that you provide true facts and figures so that your reputation as an expert and knowledgeable in that field is not questioned. If you lose the trust of your subscribers these may persuade them to unsubscribe to your newsletter. You will lose many potential sales this way.

4) Provide fresh and new articles that can provide new information to your subscribers. If you publish stale and old news in your newsletter, there is a tendency that people or your subscribers already have read and known about them. This will lose their interest in your newsletter and they won't get to read what is most important, your ads. They may not open or read any of your succeeding newsletters losing your intention in writing and publishing newsletters, to get them to visit your site and make a purchase.

5) Never use copyrighted materials such as photos and articles. This is outright plagiarism; you may get into a lot of trouble for this. You can lose your business and get sued over copyright infringement. If you do not have the time to write your own articles, there are many willing and able professional article writers that can do it for you for a reasonable fee. All your investment in writing and publishing articles will be well worth it when you see your list build up and your traffic increasing.

There you go,

Get started today.

image signature

Friday, October 31, 2008


originally uploaded by royannquigley.
A Year from Now

Who Would’ve Thought?

"Thought is the original source of all wealth, all success, all material gain, all great discoveries and inventions, and of all achievement."

-- Claude M. Bristol, Author

Thursday, October 30, 2008

How To Market Your Home Business

Copyright © Kimberly Flores, Rich Mom

Everyone knows that marketing a home business is one of the trickiest things about having one. You have to be sure that you are doing it correctly, because no matter what your business is, chances are good that there are a lot of people who have home businesses that are going to be able to compete with yours.

Because the internet is open to everyone all over the world, you are going to find that it often comes down to people choosing the business that markets them the best.

Make Your Mark

So, how can you make your mark on the world and be sure that you are noticed?

First of all, you have to have something that no one else does. Chances are good that other people have your same idea, unless you have come up with something that no one has ever heard of before.

So, this means that there has to be something about your business that is unique, whether it is in your web site, the way that you do business, or the product that you are offering.

You have to be sure that you can easily say that you have something no one else can offer, and that when you say this, you can actually mean it. If you can do this, you are going to be on the right track.

Market Market Market

Another thing that you have to be sure to do is to market yourself. No matter what you are doing, there is a place somewhere that is going to be able to market you. You have to rely on yourself and do your own research, and figure out where you can best market yourself.

If you are just starting out, a good thing to do would be to search online for your product or service, and see what comes up. See what your competition is, and then figure out what they are doing to market themselves. Then, see where you can get your name out there and how you can make yourself known in the world where you want to be.

Another thing that you have to do is to get creative about how you market yourself. This could even be the thing that sets you apart from all the rest. If you can be sure that you really know what you are doing, you might be able to find your way to the top of something, and you might be able to be more of a success than you ever thought it would be possible for you to be.

Get out there and market yourself, in the best way possible, and see if you can bring yourself to the forefront.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Stuck in a rut?

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

FW: Harvest Daily Devotion for 10/27/2008: "Through the Storm"

Dear All,

Your friend Kimberly Flores ( thought you would enjoy the following Harvest daily devotion from Pastor Greg Laurie. We won't send you any unsolicited e-mails—so if you would like to continue receiving messages from us, just click here to subscribe.

May God richly bless you as you walk with Him!

—Harvest Ministries

Harvest Ministries will never sell or distribute your e-mail address.
// Today's Harvest Ministries Devotion with Greg Laurie Pastor Greg Laurie
Send to a Friend!
Monday, October 27, 2008

Through the Storm

On the same day, when evening had come, He said to them, "Let us cross over to the other side."
Mark 4:35

In the Gospel of Mark, we find an interesting story in which Jesus invited the disciples, some of whom were seasoned fishermen, to join Him on a little boat trip across the Sea of Galilee. But on the way over, they encountered a radical storm.

Now the question would arise, "Did Jesus know that a storm was coming?" The answer is yes. In fact, you might even say that it was a part of His curriculum that day. It was all part of teaching the disciples to believe what they claimed to believe.

I don't want to make light of what these disciples were experiencing, because I'm sure this was a very harsh storm. Several on board had seen many storms on the Sea of Galilee. So it had to be a very difficult storm for the disciples to be so gripped by fear. According to Mark's Gospel, the waves were breaking over the boat and filling it with water.

The disciples were very afraid, but they didn't have to be. Jesus had made a significant statement they apparently had forgotten about: "Let us go to the other side."

And when God says, "Let us go to the other side," it means you will get to the other side. He didn't say it would be smooth sailing. He didn't say it would be an easy trip. But He did say, "Let us go to the other side."

Often we are gripped by fear and cease to think logically when we forget God's Word to us. That is exactly what happened to the disciples. But Jesus was on board with them, and He was there to see them through.

Greg Laurie [Signature]

Have Pastor Greg's devotions blessed you? Write and tell him!

Want to read more from Greg Laurie? Be sure to check out his weekly columns at World Net Daily. Click here to read his latest article.

Copyright ©2008 by Harvest Ministries. All Rights Reserved.

Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Bible text from the New King James Version is not to be reproduced in copies or otherwise by any means except as permitted in writing by Thomas Nelson, Inc., Attn: Bible Rights and Permissions, P.O. Box 141000, Nashville, TN 37214-1000
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Sunday, October 26, 2008

What’s Your Legacy?

What’s Your Legacy

Found this on a fellow Warriors' blog.

Worth a read.

Plug In Profit Site

Are you a Warrior?

Well you could be missing so much wisdom and knowledge that I have to mention it here.

If you are a PIPS member, you are advocated to join the Warriors to better your self. I was just curious and had to post a not about it. You can find me there, as well as many of the top internet marketers that we aspire to imitate.

Here you go, get in there and dig in! Go NOW

Friday, October 24, 2008

in a “Deep Crisis”?

"I really do think that any deep crisis is an opportunity to make your life extraordinary in some way."

-- Martha Beck, Author


As Warren Buffet has been quoted as saying, "Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful"

What does that mean?

There is widespread fear today, so get a grip and look for the opportunity. There are many here on my blog I actually endorse.

This has been my two-cents on the matter. J

How about yours?

Warm regards,


Thursday, October 23, 2008

Our Name is Changing

We've gone thru the "change".

Our new name is Home Business Journal.

This is transitional and we will be locating on our own servers in the future.

We'll keep you posted.

How To Increase Traffic By Offering A Free Course

Today's feature article is:

How To Increase Traffic By Offering A Free Course

Visit our sponsor:


Do you already have a professional, fully-automated website that pulls in HUGE P.ROFITS like crazy? With the Plug-In Profit Site(tm), you could have one in 24 hours or less! No tech skills required. You're ready in 3 easy steps. Visit this site for more info:


If you have extensive knowledge on a particular subject, why not create a f.ree course for your web site visitors.

The course should be related to the theme of your web site. If you're selling business related products, you would want to give away a free course about business.

You could offer the course in html, auto responder, and eBook format.

HTML- Your course could be right on your web site. On one web page, create a title page and table of contents.

Use clickable chapter links so they can go to the sections easily were they need the most help.

You could increase your traffic by allowing people to give away the course to their web site visitors. Just have them link to your web site.

  • eBook-Your course could be in a downloadable eBook format. Include your business ad in the eBook. A good eBook software to use is Editor Pro, you can find it at
You could allow other people to give away the eBook.

They could just upload it to their own server. Every time someone downloads it, they will see your business ad.

  • AUTORESPONDER-Your course could be published on an autoresponder. You can sign-up to get a free follow-up autoresponder from all the f.ree services on the internet.
You can find them by typing in "free autoresponders" in your search engine of choice. Include a lesson of your course on each follow-up message sent.

You could increase traffic by allowing advertisers to include their ad in the course. Ask them, in return, to advertise the free course at their web site. Just have them link to your web site.

There are many other formats you can use to create your free course; downloadable text, pdf, print format, fax-on-demand, cassette, video, etc. You can use all the methods above with all the formats to increase your traffic.

Quote of the Day:

"Do not wrong or hate your neighbor; for it is not he that you wrong; you wrong yourself." -- Shawnee Chant
Warm regards,

Kimberly Flores

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Accelerated Learning Techniques

I just had to share this email I got from my friend Brian:

Dear Kimberly,
Stanford studies have shown that the average person only uses 2% of their brain power.
Can you imagine how much more you could accomplish if you could tap into the other 98%?
Your earning -- and learning -- potential is limitless. It doesn't matter if you were an average student, or if you didn't go to college. You can still take advantage of the endless reserves of your brain power.
The most precious resource in the world today is found right between your ears. It's your ability to think, learn and innovate. And I will show you how to do it.
Do you want to capitalize on your mind power? I teamed up with the leading authority on this subject to show you how to unlock the genius inside you.
Get all the details here!
Best regards, Brian Tracy

P.S. Don't settle for average intelligence...there's nothing stopping you from accomplishing more. You just have to learn how.
Get all the details here!

Wealth or Health?

To get rich, never risk your health. For it is the truth that health is the wealth of wealth."

-- Richard Baker, American Congressman

While I was pondering this statement, I looked back over my own life.

Had I sacrificed my health at the mercy of gaining wealth?


I have resolved that I can no longer do that; I need to take care of myself, because who else will?

I cannot run any kind of enterprises from a bed or grave.

How about you?

Can you offer any wisdom to our readers? Please share!

To your health,


Monday, October 20, 2008

Obama What?

You think the Bible has a clue about the elections?

Wait and see I suppose.

Have a good one.


Sunday, October 19, 2008

How To Use Online Auctions As Traffic Generators

Today's feature article is:

How To Use Online Auctions As Traffic Generators

Visit our sponsor:


Follow The 3 Easy Steps Listed Below And I Will Personally Build A Money Making Website Just For You That's 100% Ready To Take Orders And Pull In Massive Residual Profits — Join Now And You Can Start Raking In Cash Within 24 Hours... Guaranteed! Start Now:


There are thousands of online auctions on the internet.

People love them because they can usually find great bargains. If you have an online business, you can use them to increase traffic to your web site.

You could create an electronic book or report that relates to your online business, then auction it off at an online auction. You could increase traffic to your web site by placing an ad for your web site in the electronic publication. Some online auctions will even allow you to link directly to your web site.

Electronic publications won't cost you anything to ship.

You could send them via e-mail or allow people to download the electronic publication from your web site.

You can also auction them off for a lower price. When they visit your web site you could offer them a higher priced product.

You could also get traffic from people who don't bid or don't get the winning bid. You could direct them to your web site to download and read a f.ree sample of the eBook or report before they bid. If they want more detailed information about the eBook or report, you could also direct them to your web site.

You can also get traffic to your web site by auctioning a physical product. Print your web site advertisement on a flyer or brochure then insert it into each product package you ship.

Before you start auctioning any product at an online auction, read the terms and conditions. Some auctions may not allow the auctioning of electronic products or directly linking to your web site where you have other products for sale.

Quote of the Day:

"When people honor each other, there is a trust established that leads to synergy, interdependence, and deep respect.

Both parties make decisions and choices based on what is right, what is best, what is valued most highly." -- Blaine Lee

Leave us a comment of what you think of the material you just read.

Warm regards,

Kimberly Flores

Saturday, October 18, 2008

8 Ways To Wealth

Here is something that should be on all our hearts and minds in the USA. I know it is on mine.

This is from my friend Brian Tracy. Enjoy!
Leave a comment and let me know if this is useful or not

The Parable of the Talents is the primary reason for wealth or poverty throughout history.

Reasons for Rich or Poor

Why do some people retire rich and most people retire poor? This subject has fascinated philosophers, thinkers, mystics and teachers throughout the ages. There have been so many cases of hundreds or thousands and even millions of men and women who have started with nothing and become financially independent that people are naturally curious to know why it happened and what are the common rules or principles that others can apply to become wealthy as well.

Why People Become Rich

One illustration of this key principle is called the parable of the talents. In the Bible, it says, "To him that hath, shall more be given, and he shall have abundance. But from him that hath not, even that which he hath shall be taken away."

Accumulation Leads to More Accumulation

What does it mean? In the modern world, we say "the rich get richer and the poor get poorer." The fact is that people who accumulate money tend to accumulate more and more. People who don't accumulate money seem to lose even that little bit of money which they have. Why should this happen? The great success principle, the single idea that explains human destiny is simple. It says that, "you become what you think about, most of the time."

Control Your Thoughts

And whatever you dwell upon, grows in your reality. You create your entire world by the things you choose to think about and how you choose to think about them.

It just so happens that wealthy, successful people fill their minds with thoughts, words, pictures and images of wealth, affluence, success, productivity and solutions to problems in the marketplace, most of the time. These thoughts trigger the reticular activating cortex, the part of the brain that makes you more alert and sensitive to things that you have decided are important to you.

Activate Your Reticular Cortex

For example, if you decide to invest in a mutual fund, you will start to see news and information about mutual funds everywhere. Mentions in newspapers and magazines will jump out at you. These notices have always been there but now you have sensitized your brain to pick them up and draw them to your attention with far greater frequency and vividness. This is the function and power of your reticular cortex.

Avoid Poverty Thinking

On the other hand, what do poor people think about most of the time? Unfortunately, poor people fill their minds with thoughts of scarcity, lack, poverty, being unable to afford things. They are always thinking and talking about how little money they have, how much things cost and how they wish things could be better financially. What they think about most of the time is how little money they have.

Think Like Wealthy People Think

Wealthy people from an early age think about how much they have, how much they want and all the different things they can do to acquire and earn the money and things they desire.

Find Out How Rich People Think

Here's a rule for you. If you want to become successful, find out what failures do and don't do it. If you want to be wealthy, find out what poor people think about, and avoid thinking in those ways. Instead, find out how wealthy people think. Find out what they read. Find out how they spend their time. Study their lives, read their stories and autobiographies and listen to their words when they are interviewed and on tape. The more you find out what financially successful people think and talk about most of the time, and do the same things, the more rapidly you will enjoy the same rewards that they do.

Action Exercises

Here are two things you can do to put this parable of the talents into action:

  1. First, make a decision today that from now on you will think and talk only about the financial success that you desire. At the same time, you will refuse to talk about or dwell upon your financial problems.
  2. Second, instead of saying, "I can't afford it," instead ask the question, "How can I afford it?" When you think of something that you want or need that you don't have the money for at the time, the only question you ask is, "How?" How can you get it? What can you do to achieve it?

What are your options? How can you get from where you are to where you want to go? This type of attitude will change your life.

Learn how to influence others -- Simply by using your words. Brian Tracy - How to Talk: Secrets of Great Communicators.

Friday, October 17, 2008

What are you holding on to?

"To succeed, you need to find something to hold on to, something to motivate you, something to inspire you."
-- Tony Dorsett, American Football Player

What are you holding on to?

Sunday, October 12, 2008

“Need People to Sign Up? I’ve got 5 Tips to Show You How”

Not to mislead you…. But I am studying some great copywriting educational material at the moment and thought to just throw out a title.

Its' teachers are the great Joe Sugarman and Ted Nicholas.

As a matter of fact, this is just one of a great many teachings that Mark Joyner has outlined in his Simple*ology series.

Are you a member? You know it's free and it has really got me on the path of the straight and narrow.

I'd love to hear from you!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Affiliate Marketing

One Internet business that many people are involved in is affiliate marketing. If you are unfamiliar with this type of online business, chances are you have become interested in a product or even made a purchase from an affiliate website.

Companies who want to increase their presence online pay a commission to others to advertise and entice web surfers to visit the company's site, sign-up for membership or a newsletter, or encourage people to purchase products from the company. This is called affiliate marketing.

There are many ways to advertise for another company. You can create a website, blog, newsletter, eBook, and other materials that are used to encourage people to place an order directly with you or visit the company website and place an order there.
By using the links you provide, you will receive credit for each sale you make. At the end of the month, you will receive payment for every customer you direct to the company's site who makes a purchase. While companies offer different commissions, the marketing strategies are the same.

If you enjoy using the Internet, are able to find groups of people to target your marketing efforts with, and are able to write convincing copy that sells, this home business is very easy to get into. Because you can use the same strategies over and over, you do not need to learn new skills after learning the basics.

Many companies offer training and other incentives for joining their programs. Once you have created a marketing campaign, you will begin to earn money during the day, in the evening, and while you are sleeping. Because people surf the Internet at different times, you can potentially make a profit at any time.

When choosing a company to work with, you should first review their terms, the commissions they are willing to pay, and also the types of products they are selling. If a product is too difficult to sell, then you won't make any money.

While you want to work for a company that is known, you don't want to work for a company that is so well known that people will automatically visit the company site instead of looking for it online.

The best part about affiliate marketing businesses is that you can join two or three programs and make commissions from several companies at one time. As long as you are marketing each product, you will earn money.

While some companies do not want their affiliates to work for other companies, many understand that you need to earn a living and will not care which companies you work for. As a rule, try to find companies that are diverse so there is not a conflicting.

Copyright © Kimberly Flores, Rich Mom


Kimberly Flores, the Rich Mom wants to help you get your very own profit pulling website now! It's a snap and guaranteed!



Note: You have permission to reprint this article in its Entirety in your newsletter or blog. Also please feel free to pass it along to others who you think would enjoy it.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Law of Attraction

An excerpt from "The 100 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Business Success"

by Brian Tracy


The Law of Attraction


You are a living magnet; you invariably attract into your life the people, situations, and circumstances that are in harmony with your dominant thoughts.


This is one of the great laws that explain much of success and failure in one's business and personal life. It has been written about as far back as the ancient Egyptian mystery schools, 3,000 years before Christ. It is so powerful, pervasive, and all-encompassing that it affects everything you do or say, or even think or feel. 


Everything you have in your life, you have attracted to yourself because of the way you think, because of the person you are. You can change your life because you can change the way you think. You can change the person you are.


You have heard it said, "Birds of a feather flock together." "Like attracts like." "Whatever you want, wants you." These are ways of expressing the Law of Attraction. 


Your thoughts are extremely powerful. They are like a form of mental energy that travels at the speed of light. They are so fine that they can go through any barrier. This is why, for example, you can think about a person, sometimes at a great distance, and in the next moment, the phone will ring and that person will be on the line. Your thoughts have connected with that person the moment you thought of them. 


Learn The Law of Attraction -- In Action -- Listen to this LIVE Teleseminar with Brian Tracy!




Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Discipline of Reading

The Discipline of Reading
By Brian Tracy

April 28, 2008

Excerpt From: Time Management Success.

Some things in life are optional, and some things in life are mandatory. Taking your next vacation to the Caribbean is optional. Building a personal library and becoming an excellent reader is mandatory. It is no longer something you can choose to do or not do. It is absolutely essential and indispensable for your success.

A great many people do not read very much. Fifty-eight percent of adult Americans never read a nonfiction book from cover to cover after they finish school. The average American reads less than one book per year. In fact, according to a Gallup study of the most successful men and women in America, reading one nonfiction book per month will put you into the top 1 percent of living Americans.

It takes regular, persistent reading and studying for you to improve, to move to the front of your field. It is not optional.

There are a variety of reasons why people don't read as much as they should. One is that probably 50 million Americans have been graduated from high school with poor reading skills.

Another reason why people don't read is because they have not been told how important reading is. Lifelong learning, lifelong reading is the minimum requirement for success in any field today. If you are in sales, management, service, administration or any other field that relies on the written word to convey information and data, your ability to read well is absolutely critical to your success.

Some people don't read because they are simply lazy. They are surrounded by so many distractions, especially television, radio, socializing and other activities, that they just never get around to doing any serious reading. They are so busy and caught up in day-to-day activities and amusements that they put off reading and then never get around to it. If continued, this pattern could have devastating consequences.

Another reason why people don't read is that they probably are not working in the right field. One of the best tests for compatibility with your work is your desire to read and learn more about it. If you are doing the job that is right for you, you will naturally be eager to read everything that you can possibly find about your field. You will want to get better and better. You will be hungry for new knowledge. You will be determined to become excellent. And every single bit of new information motivates and stimulates you and makes you excited about learning even more.

However, if you are in the wrong field, you will look upon reading about it as drudgery. If the reading and studying is a required condition of your job or profession, you will do it, but only under duress. You will want to get it over with, like a visit to the dentist. If, for any reason, you are not eager to learn more about what you are doing, it could very well be that you are wasting your time and your life in the wrong field.

In one 22-year study of self-made millionaires, the researchers found that one of the common characteristics of those special men and women who went from rags to riches was that they were absolutely fascinated by their work. They didn't think so much about making a lot of money. They were more concerned about becoming better and better at what they did. Their work absorbed them completely. In almost no time at all, because of their commitment to reading and self-development, they were paid more and more. And once they reached a high level of income, their fascination with their work still continued. Instead of drawing extra money from their business and spending it frivolously, they reinvested it in themselves and in their career. As a result, they became more and more proficient and wealthier and wealthier. Then, one day, they opened their eyes, looked around and found that they were worth more than $1 million. And the continuous learning, the nonstop reading, was the key ingredient.

Some years ago, a young man came to me and asked for advice. He had been graduated from high school without the ability to read. He told me that reading a whole paragraph actually made him tired. His problem was that he was working at a dead-end job at minimum wage, and he had been there for two years. He was living in a small apartment on a limited budget. All his friends from high school, none of whom could read either, were in pretty much the same predicament. They all were working at low-level, low-skill jobs with no future. He had been out of school for two years and had made no progress. What advice could I give him?

I told him that he had to learn to read, and read well. He said he didn't like to read, and he wanted to be successful at something that didn't require reading. I told him that this was not a matter of choice. The only jobs that didn't require reading were the kinds of jobs that he and his friends were already doing. And even they soon would be surpassed by younger, more eager people with better educations.

Much to his credit, he thought about this for a while and then accepted the fact that he had to become a good reader. He began taking community-college courses in remedial reading. Eventually, he applied for entrance to a technical institute, and he managed to get in by the skin of his teeth. Because of his poor high-school education, it took him almost three years to complete a two-year program in biomedical engineering. He stuck in there and worked hard, and he finally came up with a degree.

A small company hired him as a sales representative, to call on hospitals and clinics in a rural territory. It wasn't much, but he took it and ran with it. He continued to read and studied sales and communications. He started at $22,000 per year, and within two years, he was up to $30,000 per year. In his third year, he was hired away by a rival company and paid $40,000 per year. Two years later, an international company heard about his success in the marketplace and hired him at more than $50,000 per year, with a company car, an expense account and substantial benefits.

In seven years, he went from being a semiliterate, minimum wage worker to a highly paid biomedical technical representative working for an international corporation. And he was back in the big city with a town house, a new car, a wife, children, and a great life. The interesting thing was that as he went around to renew his old friendships, he found that most of the people he had graduated with were still working at dead-end jobs.

Seven years seems like a long time in the course of a life, but it passes in a flash when you are busy doing something you enjoy and getting continually better at it.

The last great obstacle to regular reading and continuous learning is that most people have been brought up with what we might call the old paradigm, the outdated way of viewing education. It's likely that as you grew up, education was looked upon as something that was done to you by other people. For the first 18 years of your life, you went off to school and education was done to you as though you were a passive object. Even when you went to college, you signed up for the courses that were recommended, you learned the subjects that were required, and you took the exams that were given. When you came out, you were the product of an education. It was almost as though the education had "just happened" to you, while you merely went along and did your share at the right time.

However, after you finish school, you are responsible for your education. From that moment onward, you are responsible for buying your books, planning your courses of study, learning your subjects and continually upgrading your skills. It's not the responsibility of anyone else. You are in charge. It's all up to you.

Many people think that it's up to their company to educate them if they need additional training. Well, if your company provides training, you should take every minute of it that you can get. But if it doesn't, and most companies don't, you are still solely responsible for maintaining and increasing your value through continuous reading. There is no other way.

Let me share with you some ideas that helped me to go from high-school dropout and dishwasher, working in the kitchen of a small hotel, to chief operating officer of a $265 million company. These are practices of most of the successful men and women in America. Their cumulative effect on the quality of your life can be amazing.

First, if you are not a good reader, make the decision, right now, that you are going to go any distance, pay any price, overcome any obstacle and spend whatever amount of money it takes to become an excellent reader. If you do not know how to read particularly well, stop everything else that you are doing outside your work and dedicate yourself to reading. Spend every spare minute reading as if your future depended on it, because it does.

It may take a week, a month or a year to become a better reader. It may take even longer. But it doesn't matter. Your becoming an excellent reader will kick open doors of opportunity for you that you cannot now imagine.

Second, if you are already a good reader, or when you become a good reader, learn to speed-read. The Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics program is probably the best that has ever been developed. Also, many communities throughout America offer speed-reading classes. Speed-reading is like touch-typing. In typing, you can use the hunt-and-peck method all your life, or you can learn how to do it right and increase your speed to 50 or 60 words per minute. In reading, you can take your speed from 50 or 60 words per minute up to 300, 400, 500 or even 1,000 words per minute, with no loss of comprehension. Speed-reading courses are absolutely essential to the success of really ambitious men and women today.

Third, build a personal library. Although public libraries are extremely helpful for research, you should buy your own books.

People often ask me what books they should buy. To decide this, you can use the Law of Relative Importance. Buy the books that are most important to your life at this moment. The key word here is relevant. Adults learn best when what they are studying is extremely relevant to their needs, their work, their life, and their present situation. If you read material that is not relevant to what you are doing, you will find it difficult. You will not be drawn to the material, and you will forget most of it as you go along. But when you read material that is both relevant and applicable to your work, your mind sparkles with all kinds of ideas on how you can use this new information to be more effective. The prospect of learning new methods and techniques that you know will improve your life is both exciting and highly motivating.

Next, in building your own library, ask the most successful people in your field what books they would recommend. Then, go straight to the bookstore and buy them.

One of the marks of the professional, and professionalism is a state of mind, is that he has a library in his field. If you are in sales, you should have a library of sales books. You should be reading at least one hour per day in sales, one book per week, 50 books per year. You should be a consistent, persistent student of your craft. You should know more about the field of selling than anybody within 500 miles does. You should set a goal to become so knowledgeable about your field that you would be able to give advanced classes in your profession within a few years. With this idea as your guiding star, you will find yourself learning and remembering far more than you would if you were just browsing through the material.

Should you buy hardcover books or softcover books? I recommend that you purchase any book, of either kind, that can help you. Some books cost $20 to $30. The average person complains that he can't afford such a book. The superior person recognizes that the information contained in that book can save him a year or two of hard work.

Remember, it may take an author 10 to 20 years to learn his subject. It may take him two to three years to write a book on it. It then may take one to two years to get the book published. By paying a few dollars for a book, you probably are getting the results of 20 or 25 years of effort by one of the smartest people in your field.

Never scrimp on your education. It is one of the most damaging things you could ever do.

Get some good bookshelves, and begin categorizing your books by subject. Have a section on sales. Have a section on management. Have a section on family and child raising. Have a section on personal motivation and success. If you like novels, have a section on fiction, or on history.

Organize your sections in alphabetical order, either by the title of the book or by the author. You don't have to make it too formal or structured. The point is to set up your library in such a way that you pretty well know where each book is, you know whether or not you have a book, and you know where to go to get a piece of information when you need it.

Once you've bought a book, read it with a red pen in hand, underlining and making notes at every key point you find. If you read a book twice, use a different-color pen to underline points you may have missed the first time.

I have books that I have read 10 or 20 times and that look like rainbows from page to page. They are literally covered with all kinds of colors and marks. Needless to say, the information and ideas in those books has soaked so deeply into my psyche that I can recite much of the material in my dreams.

You need to read an hour or two each day just to keep current with your field. You need to read newspapers, magazines, newsletters, correspondence and other materials. But you don't get ahead with regular reading. You must invest in the future while you keep current with the present. If you want to get ahead, you must read things that give you new ideas and insights, not merely things that confirm what you already know.

Becoming a proficient and persistent reader may not be easy to do so, but it's certainly possible. The future does belong to the competent. Those who know more will always win out over those who know less. The more you read, the better you get. The more you learn, the easier it is for you to learn. And the more you challenge your mind, the smarter you get.

by Brian Tracy

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Your ability to discipline yourself "to do what you should, when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not," is the key to becoming a great person and living a great life.

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The Key to Happiness

I, for one, have been immensely blessed by this fellows' writings. Please find time to look him up! –Kimberly

The Key to Happiness

By Brian Tracy


Your ability to achieve your own happiness is the key measure of your success, of how well you are doing as a person.


You learn the key to happiness that has been the same through all of history. You learn how to dispel the two myths that may be holding you back and how to achieve more happiness in everything you do.


Dedicate Yourself to Your Best Talents

The key to happiness is this: dedicate yourself to the development of your natural talents and abilities by doing what you love to do, and doing it better and better in the service of a cause that is greater than yourself.


This is a big statement and a big commitment. Being happy requires that you define your life in your own terms and then throw your whole heart into living your life to the fullest. In a way, happiness requires that you be perfectly selfish in order to develop yourself to a point where you can be unselfish for the rest of your life.


Imagine if you could become a millionaire today!

Your life would be easier and more fun. You could be taking more vacations, and spending the kind of time with your family that you really want.


Please Yourself First

In Edmond Rostand's play Cyrano de Bergerac, Cyrano is asked why he is so intensely individualistic and unconcerned with the opinions and judgments of others. He replies with these wonderful words: "I am what I am because early in life I decided that I would please at least myself in all things."


Your happiness likewise depends upon your ability to please at least yourself in all things. You can be happy only when you are living your life in the very best way possible. No one can define happiness for you. Only you know what makes you happy. Happiness is an inside job.


Your Happiness is Up to You

The biggest myth about happiness is when people say that it is not legitimate or correct for you to put your happiness ahead of everyone else's. Throughout my life, I've met people who have said that it is more important to make other people happy than it is to make yourself happy. This is nonsense.


The fact is that you can't give away to anyone else what you don't have for yourself. Just as you can't give money to the poor if you don't have any, you can't make someone else happy if you yourself are miserable.


The very best way to assure the happiness of others is to be happy yourself and then to share your happiness with them. Suffering and self-sacrifice merely depress and discourage other people. If you want to make others happy, start by living the kind of life and doing the kind of things that make you happy.


Action Exercises

Here are three steps you can take immediately to put these ideas into action.


First, define for yourself the activities that you really love and enjoy, at home and work, and then organize your life so you do more of them.


Second, believe in yourself and trust your own feelings. Then, please at least yourself in all things.


Third, determine what it is that you do that brings the most happiness to others and then organize your life so that you can do more of it.


Brian's Biography

Brian Tracy is the most listened to audio author on personal and business success in the world today. His fast-moving talks and seminars on leadership, sales, managerial effectiveness and business strategy are loaded with powerful, proven ideas and strategies that people can immediately apply to get better results in every area. For more information, please go to:



Sunday, June 29, 2008

Benefit by Helping Others


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Many people don't have the time or skills to write and create eBooks to give away to their web site visitors. Giving away eBooks from your web site can easily increase traffic and sales. Why not create promotional eBooks for other people to use so they can promote their web site.



First, you will need to write and create your own eBook to give away to your visitors. If you don't want to write one, you could ask permission to use other writers' articles or material. Be sure to include your text or banner at the beginning of the eBook.



Once your eBook is uploaded to your web site you can allow people to download it and give it away to their web site visitors. Your ad will continue to be spread all over the internet.



You can take this strategy one step further to make it even more powerful. Allow people to sign-up to get a version of the eBook with their own text or banner ad included in it. With their own ad included in the eBook, they'll work harder to promote it. That means your ad will be seen by even more people. It's now a win/win situation for you and your visitors!


Quote of the Day:


"The lack of money is the root of all evils." -- Mark Twain


Warm regards,


Kimberly Flores

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Four Keys to Effective Listening

An excerpt from Brian Tracy's The Power of Charm:

The Power of Charm

Four Keys to Effective Listening

Every book, article, or course on this subject ultimately comes to the same conclusion: There are four key elements of effective listening. If you can master them, your "charm quotient" will skyrocket immediately.

1. Listen attentively. Listen without interrupting. Listen in complete silence, as if there is nothing in the world that is more important to you at this moment than what the other person is saying.
If someone wants to talk to you, especially at home, immediately discontinue all other activities and give that person your complete attention.
Turn off the television, shut the book or newspaper, and focus single-mindedly on what the other person is saying. This behavior will be instantly recognized and appreciated, and will give you tremendous emotional power in the conversation.
To listen as if you are transfixed by what the other person is saying, imagine that your eyes are sunlamps and you are giving the person's face a tan.
When a person is intently listened to by another, he is affected biochemically. His brain releases endorphins, nature's "happy drug" which makes him feel good about himself. His self-esteem goes up and he likes himself more. Above all, he likes and trusts you more by virtue of your listening attentively to him. The payoff is extraordinary.

2. Pause before replying. Rather than jumping in as soon as the other person takes a breath, pause for three to five seconds. Allow a silence to exist. Just relax.
When you pause, three things happen, all of them good. First, you avoid interrupting the other person if he is just pausing to reorganize his thoughts before continuing. Second, by pausing, you tell the person that what he said was important and that you are considering it carefully. This reinforces the personal value of the speaker and causes him to see you as a more attractive and intelligent person. Third, you actually hear the person, not only what he said, but what he meant, at a deeper level of mind. Try it once and see.

3. Question for clarification. Never assume that you know exactly what the person meant by what he said. Instead, help him to expand on his most recent remark by asking, "How do you mean?" or "What do you mean, exactly?"
Here is one of the most important rules of communication: The person who asks questions has control.
The person answering the questions is controlled by the person asking them. When a person is speaking in answer to a question, fully 100 percent of his focus and attention is on what he is saying; he cannot think of anything else. He is totally controlled by the questioner.
The trick to charming someone with this technique is to ask your questions thoughtfully. All great communicators know this and use it regularly.

4. Feed it back: paraphrase it in your own words. This is the acid test of effective listening, the proof that you were really paying attention, instead of engaging in the "phony listening" that is so common today.
When a person finishes speaking, you pause and say something like., "So, you just did this, and then this happened, and then you decided to do that, right?"
Only when the speaker confirms that's what he said and meant do you continue, either by asking another question or commenting on what has just been said.

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To your success in 2008!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

How To Start Your Own Home Based Accounting And Bookkeeping Business

How To Start Your Own Home Based Accounting And Bookkeeping Business
Copyright © Kimberly Flores, Rich Mom

Are you own of those people who are tired of being confined inside your windowless office cubicle? If you have been feeling claustrophobic in your small cramped cubicle with nothing but the computer filled with accounting files, now is the time for you to get out of there and look for something that will not really drive you crazy. There is really no point of torturing yourself and getting all your nerves worked out even if the job does pay the bills. Always bear in mind that you are not here in this world simply because you need to pay the bills! You have to live your life a little and have some fun.

Now, just because you are miserable with your present job, that doesn’t mean you have to dash out of the door right thins very minute and never look back. Much as we hate to think about it, we do need to pay the bills, eat and have a roof over our heads. If you really want to quit your job, you better look for alternative means of income first. Much as you would like to get away from your workplace fast, you will need your day job to keep you afloat while you set up your home business. To inspire you to work hard on your home business, set a target date when you will quit your job. Keep your target in mind and strive hard to build your business.

Since you are an accountant, you might want to start offering your services as bookkeeper or accountant to small business around your community. There are probably a lot of small businesses around your community that needs your services so start calling on people who might be in need of accountants or bookkeepers. If you know some people who are into home based business, give them a call and ask if they need your help. You will be surprised at how many people actually need accounting and bookkeeping services.

Another way for you to advertise your services is to print some brochures of describing your work experience, the services that you are offering and your professional fees. Distribute your brochures together with your business cards to family members and friends and ask them if they know somebody who might be interested in your services. More often than not, someone in the family does know somebody who is in need of accounting services.

It may take you sometime before you can finally build a good accounting and bookkeeping business. If things are not moving as fast as you would want it to be, be patient and don’t stop trying. Sooner or later you will be able to get enough clients and generate some good income.

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your very own profit pulling website now!
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