Monday, September 29, 2008

Affiliate Marketing

One Internet business that many people are involved in is affiliate marketing. If you are unfamiliar with this type of online business, chances are you have become interested in a product or even made a purchase from an affiliate website.

Companies who want to increase their presence online pay a commission to others to advertise and entice web surfers to visit the company's site, sign-up for membership or a newsletter, or encourage people to purchase products from the company. This is called affiliate marketing.

There are many ways to advertise for another company. You can create a website, blog, newsletter, eBook, and other materials that are used to encourage people to place an order directly with you or visit the company website and place an order there.
By using the links you provide, you will receive credit for each sale you make. At the end of the month, you will receive payment for every customer you direct to the company's site who makes a purchase. While companies offer different commissions, the marketing strategies are the same.

If you enjoy using the Internet, are able to find groups of people to target your marketing efforts with, and are able to write convincing copy that sells, this home business is very easy to get into. Because you can use the same strategies over and over, you do not need to learn new skills after learning the basics.

Many companies offer training and other incentives for joining their programs. Once you have created a marketing campaign, you will begin to earn money during the day, in the evening, and while you are sleeping. Because people surf the Internet at different times, you can potentially make a profit at any time.

When choosing a company to work with, you should first review their terms, the commissions they are willing to pay, and also the types of products they are selling. If a product is too difficult to sell, then you won't make any money.

While you want to work for a company that is known, you don't want to work for a company that is so well known that people will automatically visit the company site instead of looking for it online.

The best part about affiliate marketing businesses is that you can join two or three programs and make commissions from several companies at one time. As long as you are marketing each product, you will earn money.

While some companies do not want their affiliates to work for other companies, many understand that you need to earn a living and will not care which companies you work for. As a rule, try to find companies that are diverse so there is not a conflicting.

Copyright © Kimberly Flores, Rich Mom


Kimberly Flores, the Rich Mom wants to help you get your very own profit pulling website now! It's a snap and guaranteed!



Note: You have permission to reprint this article in its Entirety in your newsletter or blog. Also please feel free to pass it along to others who you think would enjoy it.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Law of Attraction

An excerpt from "The 100 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Business Success"

by Brian Tracy


The Law of Attraction


You are a living magnet; you invariably attract into your life the people, situations, and circumstances that are in harmony with your dominant thoughts.


This is one of the great laws that explain much of success and failure in one's business and personal life. It has been written about as far back as the ancient Egyptian mystery schools, 3,000 years before Christ. It is so powerful, pervasive, and all-encompassing that it affects everything you do or say, or even think or feel. 


Everything you have in your life, you have attracted to yourself because of the way you think, because of the person you are. You can change your life because you can change the way you think. You can change the person you are.


You have heard it said, "Birds of a feather flock together." "Like attracts like." "Whatever you want, wants you." These are ways of expressing the Law of Attraction. 


Your thoughts are extremely powerful. They are like a form of mental energy that travels at the speed of light. They are so fine that they can go through any barrier. This is why, for example, you can think about a person, sometimes at a great distance, and in the next moment, the phone will ring and that person will be on the line. Your thoughts have connected with that person the moment you thought of them. 


Learn The Law of Attraction -- In Action -- Listen to this LIVE Teleseminar with Brian Tracy!


